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  • Topic of the Week 本週主題
  • Extra Stuff 相關用語
  • Practice Dialogue 會話練習
  • Test Yourself 小小測驗
  • 我不願意收到電子報
    2003 年 11 月 14 日 (No. 119)
    ● 訂閱一年限時加送 後掛式耳機麥克風

    ● 訂閱兩年限時再加送-FRIENDS六人行DVD乙片


    1. shortstop 游擊手 7. second base 二壘 14. batter 打擊手
    2. left fielder 左外野手 8. second baseman 二壘手 15. catcher 捕手
    3. outfield 外野 9. infield 內野 16. first baseman 一壘手
    4. third base 三壘 10. third baseman 三壘手 17. first base 一壘
    5. baseball diamond/ 11. right fielder 右外野手 18. home plate 本壘
      baseball field 棒球場 12. pitcher 投手 19. umpire
    6. center fielder 中堅手 13. pitcher's mound 投手丘   (棒球、網球的)裁判
    1. hit 安打
    2. run 得分
    3. error 失誤
    4. single 一壘安打
    5. double 二壘安打
    6. triple 三壘安打
    7. home run 全壘打
    8. grand slam 滿壘全壘打
    9. inside-the-park home run 場內全壘打
    10. batter's box 打擊位置;擊球區
    11. ball [when batting] 壞球
    12. foul ball [when batting] 界外球
    13. strike [when batting] 好球
    14. strikeout [n] (名詞)三振出局
    15. strike out [v] (動詞)三振出局
    16. baseball player 棒球選手
    17. base runner 壘上跑者
    18. steal a base 盜壘
    19. pitch [v] (動詞)投球
    20. a pitch [n] (名詞)投球
    21. inning 球局
    22. top of an inning 上半局
    23. bottom of an inning 下半局
    24. (team) manager 總教練
    25. dugout 球員休息區;選手席
    26. mitt 手套
    27. bat 球棒
    28. baseball 棒球
    29. base
    30. fan(s) (球)迷
    31. seventh-inning stretch 
    32. Major League Baseball (MLB) 美國職棒大聯盟
    33. ballpark (可容納球員及觀眾的)球場
    34. play-off 季後賽(作此義時常用複數)
    35. World Series 世界大賽(美國職棒大聯盟的冠軍賽)
  • 流行口語  Spoken English
  • That player just hit a home run! 那名球員剛剛擊出一支全壘打!
    The bases are loaded. 目前是滿壘的局面。
    Who is at bat now? 現在打擊者是誰?
    Which player is up to bat next? 下一棒是哪個球員?
    The batter just hit a single/double/triple/home run.
    The base runner on first (base) just stole second (base).
    The batter just hit a foul ball. 打擊手剛打出界外球。
    The umpire called that pitch a strike/ball. 主審判定那一球是好球/壞球。
    The shortstop just threw out the player at first (base). 
    The manager is sitting in the dugout. 總教練坐在球員休息區裡。
    The manager is talking to the pitcher on the pitcher's mound. 
    The center fielder just made an error. 中堅手剛發生失誤一次。
  • 成語 Idioms
  • hit a home run 表現很傑出
    home run 為「全壘打」的意思,引申為「傑出的表現」,hit a home run 便指「表現很傑出」。
      Tom really hit a home run at the meeting with his plans for expanding the company.
    Dialogue 1 
    Phil and his girlfriend, Victoria, are at a baseball game.
    Phil: There's always something special about going to the ballpark for a baseball game. 菲爾: 到球場看球總是覺得特別不一樣。
    Victoria: Yes. I've been going to games ever since I was a little girl. My father used to take me. 維多莉亞: 對啊,我從很小就開始看棒球賽了。我爸爸以前都會帶我去看比賽。
    Phil: Well, baseball is America's national pastime. 菲爾: 嗯,棒球是美國的全民休閒娛樂。
    Victoria: Look! The batter just hit that pitch into left field. Will the left fielder be able to catch it? 維多莉亞: 你看!打擊手剛把那一球打到左外野。左外野手接得到嗎?
    Phil: Nope! The ball dropped in for a hit. The batter has become a base runner now. Wow! He's really running around the bases. 菲爾: 沒接到!球落地形成安打。打擊手已經在跑壘了。哇!他真的一壘跑過一壘耶。
    Victoria: He is going to try for a triple instead of a double. 維多莉亞: 他試著要把二壘安打跑成三壘安打。
    Phil: The left fielder threw the ball to the third baseman; the third baseman caught the ball in his mitt; the batter is sliding into third base; the umpire just made the call ... safe! 菲爾: 左外野手把球傳給三壘手,球落入了三壘手手套中,打擊手此時正滑進三壘。裁判剛做出判決……安全上壘!
    Victoria: Wow! That was an amazing hit and some great base running! 維多莉亞: 哇!這支安打真夠神,跑壘的工夫也很厲害呢!
    Dialogue 2 
    Tina and her husband, Carl, are watching a baseball game on TV.
    Carl: Going to the ballpark to watch a baseball game is fun, but nothing beats watching a game in the comfort of our living room. 卡爾: 到球場看棒球是有趣,不過在我們客廳裡舒服地看比賽還是最棒了。
    Tina: I agree, Carl. The game is in the ninth inning and it's all tied up, three to three. 蒂娜: 卡爾,我也這麼覺得。比賽現在到第九局陷入膠著,比數是三比三。
    Carl: This is a play-off game, and if our team wins, it will go to the World Series. 卡爾: 這場是季後賽,如果我們球隊贏了,就可以打進世界大賽。
    Tina: That is so exciting. Our team hasn't played in the World Series for almost thirty years. It will be a dream come true if they go on to win the World Series. 蒂娜: 好刺激喔。我們球隊已經快三十年沒打進世界大賽了,如果他們繼續贏得世界大賽,那就美夢成真了。
    Carl: Slow down, Tina. Our team has to win this game first. 卡爾: 蒂娜,別急。我們球隊得先打贏這場比賽才行。
    Tina: You're right. Now, let's get back to the action. The bases are loaded. It's the bottom of the ninth inning with two outs. Who is at bat now? 蒂娜: 你說得對。那我們回到比賽吧。現在形成滿壘局面,九局下半兩人出局,輪到誰打擊?
    Carl: Sosan, and he just hit the ball hard to center field. It might be a home run! It's going, going, gone! 卡爾: 是索桑,他剛才把球用力擊向中外野,有可能是全壘打喔!球繼續飛,繼續飛,飛出去了!
    Tina: Wow! The batter just hit a grand slam! Our team has won by four runs! It looks like our team is on its way to the World Series! 蒂娜: 哇!打擊手擊出滿壘全壘打!我們球隊贏了四分!看樣子我們隊正往世界大賽的路邁進呢!


    Choose the best word or phrase to answer each question.

    a. double b. home run c. batter's box d. baseball diamond e. manager
    f. mitt g. shortstop h. pitcher's mound i. fan j. umpire
      This is another name for a baseball field.
      If you like to watch baseball, then you are one of these.
      This player plays in between second and third base.
      This is when a batter hits the ball very far and scores a run.
      This person makes sure the rules of the game are followed.
      A baseball player wears this on either the left hand or the right hand.
      This is where a batter stands when he is up to bat.
      This is when a batter hits the ball and he can run to second base.
      A pitcher stands on this and throws the ball from it.
      This person is the head coach of a baseball team.
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