Tina and her husband, Carl, are watching a baseball
game on TV. |
蒂娜和丈夫卡爾在看電視棒球賽。 |
Carl: |
Going to the ballpark
to watch a baseball game is fun, but nothing beats
watching a game in the comfort of our living room. |
卡爾: |
到球場看棒球是有趣,不過在我們客廳裡舒服地看比賽還是最棒了。 |
Tina: |
I agree, Carl. The
game is in the ninth inning and it's all tied up,
three to three. |
蒂娜: |
卡爾,我也這麼覺得。比賽現在到第九局陷入膠著,比數是三比三。 |
Carl: |
This is a play-off
game, and if our team wins, it will go to the World
Series. |
卡爾: |
這場是季後賽,如果我們球隊贏了,就可以打進世界大賽。 |
Tina: |
That is so exciting.
Our team hasn't played in the World Series for almost
thirty years. It will be a dream come true if they
go on to win the World Series. |
蒂娜: |
好刺激喔。我們球隊已經快三十年沒打進世界大賽了,如果他們繼續贏得世界大賽,那就美夢成真了。 |
Carl: |
down, Tina. Our team has to win this game first. |
卡爾: |
蒂娜,別急。我們球隊得先打贏這場比賽才行。 |
Tina: |
You're right. Now,
let's get back to the action. The bases are loaded.
It's the bottom of the ninth inning with two outs.
Who is at bat now? |
蒂娜: |
你說得對。那我們回到比賽吧。現在形成滿壘局面,九局下半兩人出局,輪到誰打擊? |
Carl: |
Sosan, and he just
hit the ball hard to center field. It might be a
home run! It's going, going, gone! |
卡爾: |
是索桑,他剛才把球用力擊向中外野,有可能是全壘打喔!球繼續飛,繼續飛,飛出去了! |
Tina: |
Wow! The batter just
hit a grand slam! Our team has won by four runs!
It looks like our team is on its way to the World
Series! |
蒂娜: |
哇!打擊手擊出滿壘全壘打!我們球隊贏了四分!看樣子我們隊正往世界大賽的路邁進呢! |