►News of the Week/本周焦點新聞 |
Architects Look for Alternatives to AC as Demand for Sustainable Solutions Grows |
永續方案需求日益升高 建築師尋求冷氣替代選項 |
With 834 rental apartments plus commercial space, 1 Java Street is set to be the largest multifamily, residential building with a "geothermal" heating and cooling system in New York State -- and potentially the country -- when it's completed in late 2025, according to developer Lendlease. |
開發商聯實集團指出,有八百三十四間出租公寓加上商業空間的爪哇街一號於二0二五年底完工時,預計將成為紐約州──且可能是全國──擁有「地熱」冷暖系統最大的多戶住宅大樓。 |
Geothermal technology is essentially a more eco-friendly version of an HVAC system, allowing the building spaces and water to be cooled and heated more efficiently, without traditional window AC units and natural gas. |
地熱科技基本上是比較環保版本的暖通空調(編按:HVAC 為 heating, ventilation and air conditioning 的縮寫),讓建築空間與水能更有效率地冷卻與加溫,而不需要傳統的窗型空調裝置與天然氣。 |
Lendlease says the technology will make it possible for the nearly 790,000-square foot building to release around 55% less carbon and achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions. |
聯實集團表示,這項科技將可讓這棟佔地近七十九萬平方英尺的建築減少約百分之五十五的碳排放,並且達成淨零溫室氣體排放。 |
With summer temperatures reaching record highs around the world, experts say finding ways to cool buildings that are less taxing on the environment could be crucial in fighting climate change. |
隨著世界各地的夏季氣溫達到破紀錄的高溫,專家指出,找出對環境負擔較小的方式來冷卻建築在對抗氣候變遷上可能是至關緊要的。 |
Even back in 2018, air conditioning and electric fans accounted for around 20% of total global electricity use, according to a report published that year by the International Energy Agency. |
即便在二0一八年時,空調與電扇佔了全球總用電量的百分之二十左右,國際能源署在那年發表的一份報告指出。 |
Now, energy and urban development experts are urging cities and developers to implement new solutions to keep buildings cooler. |
現在,能源與都市計畫專家在敦促城市與開發商採用新的解決方案來讓建築物保持涼爽。 |
Geothermal plumbing works by sending water from a building deep into the ground below it to take advantage of the Earth's naturally stable internal temperature. |
地熱管路系統的運作方式是把一棟建築物的水輸送到該大樓的地底深處,以便利用地球天然穩定的內部溫度。 |
On hot days, the underground temperature will reduce the temperature of warm water from the building to help with cooling; on cold days, it will warm up cold water to help with heating. |
在炎熱的日子裡,地底溫度會降低建築物的溫水溫度以協助降溫;在寒冷的日子裡,它則會加溫冷水以協助供暖。 |
For now, the process doesn't come cheap. |
就目前而言,這個工法並不便宜。 |
Eventually, though, as more developers invest in geothermal and more companies provide the specialty training needed to install the technology, Layth Madi, Lendlease's senior vice president and director of development, said he expects the costs to come down. |
不過最終,隨著愈來愈多開發商投資地熱系統,以及愈來愈多公司提供裝設這項科技所需的專業訓練,聯實集團資深副總裁暨開發總監萊斯.馬迪表示他預計成本會降下來。 |
And once the building is up and running, it should be more cost-efficient to heat and cool. |
一旦這棟大樓正常啟用之後,加溫與冷卻的成本效益應該會更高。 |
►重點單字 |
alternative n. 替代物;可供選擇的事物 |
demand n. 需求、需求量 |
sustainable adj. 可持續的;可永續發展的 |
We are using more sustainable practices to reduce our carbon footprint.
我們要用更永續的做法來減少我們的碳足跡。 |
geothermal adj. 地熱的 |
The research team is studying geothermal energy as a sustainable power source.
研究團隊正在探究地熱能源作為永續的動力來源。 |
emission n. 排放;排放物 |
taxing adj. 費力的;艱難的 |
The intricate puzzle proved to be intellectually taxing.
這道複雜的謎題證明是非常考驗智力的。 |
crucial adj. 至關重要的;關鍵的 |
Timing is crucial to the success of a stand-up comedy routine.
時間點對一個單口喜劇段子的成功而言至關緊要。 |
account for v. (在數量、比例上)佔 |
Social media platforms account for a large amount of daily screen time for many people.
社群媒體平台佔了許多人大多數的每日螢幕使用時間。 |
urge v. 強烈要求;力勸 |
Richard's lawyer urged him to settle rather than take his case to court.
理查的律師勸他和解,而不要把案子帶上法院。 |
implement v. 實施;執行 |
The coalition of congressmen and congresswomen fought to implement their new policy.
男女國會議員聯盟奮力執行他們的新政策。 |
plumbing n. (建築物的)配管系統 |
internal adj. 內部的;內建的 |
The company launched an internal investigation after the scandal broke.
那起醜聞爆發後,該公司發起了一項內部調查。 |
specialty n. 專業;專長 |
install v. 安裝;設置 |
I installed the new update on my phone last night.
我昨天晚上在我的手機安裝了新的更新。 |
►片語解析 |
up and running 正常運作;正常運轉 |
慣用語 up and running 原指機械「正常、順暢地運轉」,可引申比喻一個組織或系統「正常運作;營運活絡」。 |
Once we get the website up and running, it'll be easier to keep track of sales.
一旦我們把網站搞定並讓它開始運作,追蹤銷售量就會比較簡單了。 |